Wednesday, November 4, 2009

London Dreams – Salman’s rocking show

Salman is having a good year. After Wanted, London dreams showcases Salman(who usually is blamed for sleepwalking through his roles) in yet another power packed performance. Vipul Shah has made a decent attempt and is quite successful in making an engaging drama.

London Dreams is story of two friends (Salman and Ajay) and how ambition of one friend led to the debacle of their band (London Dreams). Ajay plays an ambitious musician who wants to earn name and fame internationally through his music. He forms a band London dreams in London along with Asin (who really has nothing to do in the band) and few others. But situation take a turn when Ajay calls his childhood friend (Salman) to London to join his band. Salmain plays a rustic happy go lucky man who values friendship (with Ajay) above anything else. But Ajay grows jealous of growing popularity of Salman and his growing friendship with Asin and employs foul means to bring about Salman’s downfall.

Ajay’s role is tailor-made for him and he plays the role of a ambitious and jealous ridden man to perfection. Asin has nothing much to do and just provides the glamour quotient. But it is Salman who steals the show as the rustic villager (gifted with immense musical talent). Salman plays his role earnestly and puts forward an honest per romance. Vipul Shah's direction is decent and the cinematographer has captured London beautifully. The Wembley stadium sequence looks grand and has been shot beautifully.

But the biggest downfall of the movie is the music. Considering the fact that this is a musical this turns out heavily against the movie. Only Barso yaroon.. and Mann ko ati bhavey .. are likeable. Shankar Ehsaan loy could have done better justice to the music of the movie. Overall the movie is gripping and keeps the viewer engaged through the 150 odd minutes.

* Salman Khan’s performance
* Beautiful locales of London
* Wembley stadium sequence
* Beautiful Asin

* Disappointing music
* Second half tends to drag a bit

Rating :***


Neeraj said...

I believe salman appeared in Mr. and Mrs. khanna as well. This year is turning out to be good for salman. I dont think ajay devgan is the right choice for the rock band, initially I thought the movie will be like Mr. and Mrs. Khanna that will come and go without making any hum drum but after reading getting the reviews I can give a thought to catch this movie on upcoming weekend.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

@Neeraj..Main aur mrs khanna was not really a salman khan movie rather it was a extended special appearance of salman. As far as Ajay is concerned, the role in London dreams suits him to the Tee

alphaseeker said...

awesome Wembley .... lovely Asin